Are we are already ruled by paperclip machines?There is a common thought experiment that pops up in conversations around AI safety — it regards a computer program whose sole purpose is…Jul 3, 2024Jul 3, 2024
Custody and ConsumptionSometimes at family gatherings, I am mocked for the one time when, as a child, I was asked the question ‘What would you like to be when you…Mar 4, 2023Mar 4, 2023
The Modern Academy Works Too Hard For Genuine Progress to be PossibleAround the time of the discovery of the Higgs Boson, Peter Higgs, its namesake admitted that the academics of his generation would not be…Jun 2, 2022Jun 2, 2022
Examinations and the fiction of Equal OpportunityExaminations provide a level playing field. That is why they exist. But if the game is flawed and the dice is biased, what good is the…Apr 5, 2022Apr 5, 2022